To participate in the Seamwork forums or any other community area you must agree to abide by some simple rules. 99.9% of people are already doing these things, but we want to make this a fun and inclusive place for everyone.
- Be polite. Any rude comments directed at individuals will be deleted. Critique is fine, just be polite about it. Rude comments will be deleted at our discretion.
- Respect differences. In sewing, everyone does things differently. Feel free to post your own tips to help people out, but please respect that people may have their own preferences in the way they do things and there is often no hard “right” or “wrong”.
- Do not critique another person’s looks or body. There will be no discussion of other people’s body types or negative comments about anyone’s looks. This includes the models on the site.
- Do not spam. Do not post comments solely to promote your blog or business. It’s fine (even encouraged!) to enter your business web site in the URL field of your community profile.
Any posts or comments that violate this policy may be deleted. This policy applies to our community forum and all of our social media accounts.