Who is my point of contact at Seamwork?
- Our Community Manager, Erica Horton, is your main point of contact. You can reach her directly at contact@seamwork.com.
How do I get in touch with Seamwork members and get them to join my local Social Club?
- If you are chosen as a Social Club Leader, we will email Seamwork members in your area and let them know that you are forming a local Seamwork Social Club chapter. They will be able to contact you via email directly if they are interested in joining your group!
- If you already know Seamworkers in your area, you can reach out to them too!
Who decides what each event looks like?
- You do! As Social Club Leader, you get to shape what your city’s Social Club events look like. They could be as simple as get-togethers at someone’s home, or something more elaborate, like visiting a textiles-focused museum exhibit or touring a sewing-related business. If you’re unsure, starting simple is a good way to go.
- If you're chosen as a Social Club Leader, we will send you a Welcome Kit that includes a list of Event Ideas. Erica, our Community Manager is always willing to brainstorm ideas with you if you're feeling stuck.
How often should I hold events?
- We ask that every Leader hold at least one event per quarter. (Q1: Jan-Mar, Q2: April-Jun, Q3: July-Sept, Q4: Oct-Dec)
- If you and your group would like to meet more often, go for it!
- As a new Social Club Leader, you'll need to plan and hold your first event within 45 days of joining the team.
Do I need to spend money to lead this club?
- We do not expect or want you to spend money on your club events. If you want to host an event with food and drinks, consider having a potluck, where each member brings a food and drink item to share with the group.
- If you want to plan an event with a cost associated with it (visiting a museum, etc.) make sure to communicate to members ahead of time how much the event will cost, and remind members to bring money with them if they plan to attend.
- Please note that there is no money available from Seamwork to help you fund your events.
Do I get a complimentary membership for being the Social Club Leader in my city?
- Yes! You’ll receive a gift code for a complimentary one-year Unlimited membership to use the next time your membership is up for renewal.
- How do I share feedback about how my club leadership experience is going?
- Once per Quarter, Erica, the Seamwork Community Manager, will schedule a Zoom call for the Social Club Leaders. Leaders can give feedback and exchange tips or get advice.
- You can contact Erica anytime directly if you’d like to give feedback that way as well.
How long is my commitment as Social Club Leader?
- We ask that you commit to one year as Social Club Leader, planning and hosting four events during that time.
- Toward the end of that year, Seamwork will check in with you to see if you are interested in continuing your roll as leader for another year.